Wade Rushton
Title: Principal Engineer
Education: The Pennsylvania State University: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
How did you get into the job you have now? Previous experience when working alongside other employees in the industry helped to alert me to the potential opportunity. When the opportunity presented itself to me, I didn’t hesitate to reach out to those same people to inquire about the area and the job itself.
Favorite planet? COCONUTS-2b: First off, the name is ridiculous. Second, it also takes a million years for it to orbit the star that is nearest in proximity and is the closest directly imaged exoplanet to Earth.
Hobbies outside of work? The area that we live in provides plenty of opportunities for being outdoors. Hiking, fishing, and just being outdoors are the things that I enjoy the most. Having the opportunity to spend that quality time with my family has been a major benefit of moving to the area.
Why did you choose SSI? SSI is a company that I feel I can have a positive impact on. The culture of the company and its values align with what I feel is important. The organization prides itself on being a tightknit group of professionals who are experts in their fields. Surrounding myself with the people that are currently working for or those that will be hired by the company has had a positive impact on my career and professional goals. The admin team for the company is top notch and responsive which is a factor of the tightknit family focused culture that SSI’s leaders promote with every internal engagement.
Bio: Wade Rushton currently serves as a Principal Engineer for SSI. In doing so, he provides subject matter expertise to ensure that capability enhancements and systems engineering decisions align with operational need. Previous experience as a U.S. Navy Weapons and Tactics Instructor has given Wade the experience required to bridge the gap between acquisition and operations.